Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Global warming causes
There are many causes for global warming, as humans have begun to disturb the balance and overload the atmosphere with too many greenhouse gases and some of them are the carbon emissions from factories and power plants which is caused by the usage of Oil for producing electricity. That is way we can see that most of the world countries are shifting to nuclear power plants to produce electricity. The other causes are the transportation which takes a huge place in our live and they are airplane, ships and cars, which produce a lot of gas emission that trap more heat and can lead to frightening changes in our environment. On the other hand the deforestation plays a big role in increasing the earth temperature. It is really our choice and it is still in our hand to control it by working together to reduce the global warming at least. If we don’t start fixing the problem now, we are in for more temperature increases, rises in sea levels, more hurricanes and disasters.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Power plants emission
One of the main human causes which contribute in global warming is burning fossil fuel because of carbon dioxide emissions from it. Most of the world countries energy is supplied by the use of fossil fuel like oil, coal and gas. Power plant was one of the main issues discussed among the world countries through the world wide associations. There were plans to stop the fossil fuel used by these power plants around the world and replace it with another source of energy which has less or no carbon dioxide emissions. Until now these planes not taken seriously by many countries whereas on the other hand there are countries which succeeded in shifting to a safer source of energy like solar energy.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Global warming effects
I discussed the causes of global warming with you and know I would like to mention some of the effects from global warming. There are many effects from global warming on the environment and on human. One of the main effects on our environment is the increase in the earth’s average temperature. Another effect is increase in sea level which will probably drive to floods another issue is the risk of drought which will have an effect on the human’s animals and plants live as will. For example the melting of the North Pole will absolutely have an effect on the animals living on that area like Peers and Penguins. It will also has an effect on agriculture by reducing crop yields and the most effected area will be the African countries which depend a lot on the rain for growing their agriculture.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
I would like to discuss one of the major effects from global warming and it is drought.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
UAE and global warming
The Earth has just experienced its warmest December-February since records began 128 years ago, National Oceanic and Atmospheric.
The El Nino phenomenon, an abnormal warming of surface ocean waters in the eastern Pacific, contributed to the chart-busting combined global land and ocean surface temperature, the NOAA said. In the northern hemisphere, the combined temperature increase was the warmest at 0.91C, while the southern hemisphere recorded a temperature 0.49C above average. During the past century, global temperatures have increased at a rate of 0.06C per decade.
Experts say that if the trend continues, up to a third of the world’s highest glaciers could melt away by 2050 and half will disappear by 2090. The report comes just over a month after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said global warming had probably been caused by humans.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Individuals in UAE
What individuals in UAE can do to help in reducing CO2 levels? One of the main reasons of the CO2 emissions from individuals is the type of car and how many times the car is used by individuals per day. One action towards reducing CO2 levels is to buy small capacity engine and stop the use of car especially for the short distance. Another way of help is to quit using plastic bags by replacing them with the paper bags. Some of the other things that can help in reducing the emissions of CO2 is to aware your relatives and friends from global warming, use of plastic and recycling. Turning your house electronic appliances off when they are not in use. Buying energy saving equipments will help a lot in solving this problem.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I learned many things during the work on this project and one of the main things that it taught me to be more aware of the global issues and to think about others. I have learned that participating in these issues and getting educated of what is happening internationally is apart of contribution in solving such a problem. I learned as will to think about the future for the coming generations. One of the things I also learned is to be friendly to the environment and not waste the public places and try to aware others about this international issue. I improved my internet skills by searching in a better way.