Saturday, May 5, 2007

Own profile

My name is Khaled Mohamed I was born in Dubai, UAE. I am Emarate and I live in Abu Dhabi the capital of United Arab Emirates. I am tall with average weight. I have dark brown eyes and black hair. I am married and I have a girl and a boy. The girl is Shahad 4 years old and she is older than her brother Mohamed by two years. I work for Fertil company one of Abu Dhabi National Oil Companies. I am sponsored by my company in the higher collage of technology to continue my higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. I have been working their for 7 years in operation department as a process operator. I like to go to cinema with my friends during my free time and I do play football as well. My other interests are playing billiards and chess. I visited many places the most I enjoyed were Thailand, Cyprus and Esfahan in Iran. Because I really love the historical and greenish places and they do have these two things. My future plans are to visit Spain, Turkey and Malaysia. I hope to continue my higher studies and to build my own home.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Global warming

An inconvenient truth is a documentary film which has been introduced by the U.S. former Vice President Al Gore, which has pulled the attention of the people around the world to a very important issue which is global warming. Mr. Al Gore focused on the causes and effects of this problem and he helped in increasing the awareness of the people about global warming. Global warming is an average increase in the temperature of the earth and oceans during the last years due to the human caused increase in greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide emissions. As scientists claim that there is more carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere now than there has been in the past years. The carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere and it acts like a cover that keeps in the heat. That is called the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse gases help us to live on the earth, because it maintains the earth’s temperature which helps us to have the right conditions for breathable air and clean water. As a fact, the earth in general would be too cold to live in with out some greenhouse gases.